Saturday, April 25, 2009


Well got to quickly switch over to "night" sleeping etc. Off to the daggone laudromat, first trip there so this should be interesting. Owner did not bring AC like he was supposed to. So will be sleeping in hot house maybe next few days, but usually freezer on living room end and hot on other. Who the heck knows.

Ex was pain in the patooty yesterday. He took fuse out of lawn mower and locked it down and then claims he did not. hellooooooo who else would have done it. Then when I get mad over it he says I am mean, he is such a goof!! Like he has any power over me to make me feel badly anymore. Have long since learned to tune him out. Oh well. Let me get ready and go do laundry and will update later. And lol, have been told peeps can't figure out how to comment so will check that out too. Loves Donna

Hey Mom if you hover your pointer over lower right corner of pictures some controls come up. There is a pause button where you can pause pic, then hit the play again to resume the flipping. To post comments, click on comment, box pops open (you may have to be signed in) and type what ya want and then hit post comment. Hope that helps

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