Thursday, May 21, 2009

What the heck???

Okay Mom and Sis are coming in on Saturday. And all your east coast rain has made it out here to me. Ain't rained a drop since I been out here and they prepare to come out here and voila here comes the rain. Rained (drizzled lmao) all day yesterday and raining again today. Thats okay cause I am off to bed. 2 more days of work. Yippee met another travel nurse she here for 8 weeks not same agency. Have not heard on next assignment and not taking phone with me to bed today, ugh I need sleep.

I am ready to head home and visit with some family. Most importantly, I am so looking forward to "meeting" this man I have been yammering with for over a week. We are so compatible via phone and text, cannot wait to meet in person. He is so sweet and think he is really special. Dashes them plans of relocating to Farmville, lol. Might have to find job in High Point, lol. Okies off to bed. 2 more work days and then family here and trek back home. Take care all Donna

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