Monday, June 15, 2009

Today and the TEST!!

Well I took the daggone thing. I feel like I flunked it. Who knows?? The lady kept saying list details list details. But don't see how I would have had enough time to list as many details she was stating we needed to list. The other guy that took the test actually ran out of time on some of the questions. Ugh, have no clue. But the waiting game is killing me. All I have done is cry today. This is worse than when I took the boards originally. I need this job. I want this job. But it is all in God's hands now, nothing else I can do to help it along. My recruiter actually was the only one who has made me laugh today, when I told her she better break out some new jobs tomorrow cause am thinking I felled the test here is her reply, lol, "I'll keep looking but I'm sure you did ok. I asked the magic 8 ball and it said you passed- and that thing is NEVER wrong!!" How hilarious!!!

Men are driving me crazy. Ex won't get off his rear and get crap taken care of. An old friend who definitely has commitment issues, has wishy washied back in my life. And then a new man and I are talking but can I trust him?? I am so suspicious of all men after spending 13 years with someone who could stand right in front of me and actually lie about stuff. How do you get over that? How do you learn to trust again? How do you know people are actually telling you the truth?? I give up. Especially tonight. I personally cannot deal with any thing else tonight. So take care all and talk soon Donnna

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