Thursday, April 16, 2009

Calgon Take me Awayyyyyyyy

Well came home yesterday after work and was tired so didn't bother to "blog". I have been mousing around the room and was going to head out and explore town and get some things together to go to laundry mat. yeah me won't that just be fun!! Anyway had to go get room card thingys re-keyed. One was broken and other was afraid date was going to run out cause originally was only supposed to be here at hotel till today, now staying till end of contract. Well at the front desk, little snippy person stated has no one been in touch with you? We have had several complaints regarding your dog barking and we have been trying to get in touch with you. I stated only day phone rang in room was Tuesday. One of those was at 921 pm and I know that was not my dog barking because we were in the bed asleep. I have already discussed what to do if complaints come in about dogs barking what was I to do. And recruiter stated not to worry that they hotel will call corporate and besides hotel allows animals and should know there will be some barking. I am like what the heck am I going to do if I don't have anywhere to live cause there ain't no where out here. And I mean no where. I am extremely worried that I am going to be homeless 1850 miles from any one I know and then what the heck am I supposed to do. I really like the agency I am with, but this is absolutely ridiculous to be sent some where with out proper housing. I know if you ain't out here you would think, hmmm got to be somewhere but I am telling you this is a kind of run down town. My manager at the hospital says that only about 20% of the employees at the hospital probably live "in town" rest are at least 45 mis or so out. Am trying not to be upset about it. I think at times heck will just get rid of the dog, no one in family can handle her (cause she is a bit hyper), but I can usually control her a smidge. And she loves me so much and I love her so much would break both of our hearts. Sure hope that tomorrow is a better day!! Okies going to work on getting some of these pics up on here, so good luck to me, lol!! Donna

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