Monday, April 27, 2009

Forget Calgon, Bring on the Genie!!

First wish, I wish I had not taken this assignment. Second wish, same as the first. And thirdly, guess you get the drift same as the first. This is the worst assignment I have been on and the worst experience I have ever had in my life. The hospital and staff are not all that bad, it is the hours (nighttime), the being put on call, being called off. This stupid air card.,. it times out, don't connect, etc etc etc. This is nothing but a little po dunk town. Nothing to do, nothing to see, and surely don't want to make many friends because I don't speak Spanish, won't be able to communicate with them very much at all. Okay have gotten that off my chest, lol. Time to drag on in to work. Last night had 2 ICU patients and rest are overflow from Med Surg. Be interesting to see what we have tonight. Take care all loves ya Donna

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