Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Apartment

Okay got almost all my stuff over to the apartment. If that is what you call it, lol. Okay first of all either a) people in this area tolerate warmer temps in their homes or b) this swamp cooler thing ain't worth a crap. It is hot as hot over there. I am wondering how in the heck I am going to sleep during the day, wish I had thermometer over there to tell what room temp is. Actually I do, it is in one of the containers I toted in over there. Will unpack it tomorrow morning. Debating now as to whether to head back over there after Dancing with Stars results or wait till in the morning.

Fancy of course loves it there. She runs in the little yard. Left her in her cage there and went to get some supper and as far as I know not a peep out of her and she was sitting calmly in the cage. Dang dog!!

Awaiting responses as to whether pics are working on the first one now. I switched to photo bucket instead of fotki, so we shall see. Hope all is doing well and will expound on the great life here in Deming tomorrow. Take care all Donna

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