Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Blahs

Well yesterday had issues with Verizon Aircard, my "peoples" let me down, lol. Was difficult to keep it connected so gave up and did not work on blog any. Did do a lit more site seeing here though and have more pictures to upload. I am adding borders to all the pics and putting a description of what each picture is so everyone will know kind of what they are looking at. Waiting on "Granny" to look at the Chesapeake Bay pictures to make sure she can "read" the print. Actually made the pictures bigger too, hehe. Still working on that wonderful layout and prettiness. Time to haul clothes downstairs to wash. Still at the hotel. Found out cheaper to use their laundry stuff than the laundromat I found. So going to get them done today. Looked at a house yesterday and if Corp gets things worked out will be heading there Tuesday or Wednesday. Am thinking Wednesday might be better day. Can come in crash for a few hours on Tuesday and then get up get stuff ready to roll out of here. No washer dryer at the house either which stinks but maybe Fancy won't bark as much while I am away. Will add more to this later. Take care all!!

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