Sunday, April 12, 2009

Todays Adventure

Well went out and found the hospital today, well I knew where it was, lol. But did the test drive to see how long it would take me to get there. Ummmm 5 mins or less, lol. It is about 8 blocks from the hotel. Have some pictures of the hospital and other things will try to get uploaded later tonight. Not sure how all that works on here.

Been bored silly today, got up went down for the breakfast. Then came back upstairs stayed up an hour, took a nap. Got up stayed up a couple hours another nap. Then messed around, brought more uniforms up here. And lastly off for supper. Ate at the great KFC, then to Wally World. Am thinking I am going to hunker in to this hotel. Not seeing any other living arrangements nearby that are suitable. This whole town is kind of "old". People are not really friendly either, not that "southern hospitality" I am used to. And to top it off, ummmm, most speak "spanish". Well not all, was quite surprised that a customer in KFC was ordering in Spanish and the employee who looked Hispanic, stated sorry sir I don't speak Spanish. I about busted out laughing. Whooohooo you tell em, this is America speak English or go home!!! Hmmm wonder if that will work with the patients cause I am going to bet that they going to speak Spanish too. Wait till they get a hold of my Southern Drawl, lol. Anyway that about all I am doing to this thing today.

Will work on getting the pics I have taken around here uploaded and viewable and the "prettiness" of the site tomorrow. Done got bored with this already and got to find something else to amuse me. Loves ya Donna

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